

For around a $1 a day we offer personalized gummy vitamin packs sent directly to you every 4 weeks! No more going to the store to sift through the horse-sized vitamins, no more organizing your vitamins into your pill organizer, and no more cluttered vitamin jars filling up your kitchen counters. With the Vitafive subscription box, your vitamins are prepackaged into one convenient pack for each day of the week!  We provide 8 different vitamins. Order one of our pre-made packs or create a customized pack fit to your personal needs. Each pack you order comes personalized with your name on it!

Price: Starting at 29.99 ($1.10 a day)

Shipping: Free!

Ships to: US (incl. AL and HI)

What you get: A personalized pack of gummy vitamins for each day

When it ships: Every 4 weeks after your subscription has started

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Vitafive provides 8 different vitamins. Order one of our pre-made packs or create a customized pack fit to your personal needs. Each pack you order comes personalized with your name on it!