Kyoki’s Slime
Kyoki’s slime box is the perfect choice for every lover of slime, as we provide a variety of different slimes throughout all of our crates! While the specific slimes vary monthly, you can expect to receive: Floam, Butter Slime, Cloud Slime, Icee Slime, Jelly Cube Slime…and more!
As seen on 8 Best Slime Subscription Boxes for Kids.
Kyoki's Slime Subscription
Kyoki's Slime theme changes every month. Each crate includes a slime care-sheet and a packet of borax. The larger the crate, the better the extras included
What you get: Monthly themed slime box with extras (candy, squishies, charms)
Price: $10 / month or as low as $9.25 / month
Shipping: VARIES
Ships to: US and Worldwide
When it ships: Orders placed on the 1st-11th will ship during the last week of the month. Orders placed on the 12th-31st will be shipped during the first week of the following month.