Slimelily Slimes
Slimelily Slimes sends you a monthly slime box filled with a variety of slime and themed items plus tons of extras! Every box comes with 3 (8) ounce, (6) ounce, (4) ounces, or (2) oz slimes, extras like squishies and novelty toys, slime recipes to try out, and super fun add-ins like foam beads, fishbowl beads, and jelly cubes.
As seen on 8 Best Slime Subscription Boxes for Kids.
Slimelily Slimes has closed, but we highly recommend the Slime Box. For $15/month, you will receive a monthly slime box which contains a wide variety of slime to play with.
Slimelily Slimes Subscription
Slimelily Slimes sends you borax free slimes, themed surprises, tons of extras and candy surprises!
What you get: 3 (8) ounce, (6) ounce, (4) ounces, or (2) oz borax-free slimes, extras like squishies and novelty toys, slime recipes to try out, and super fun
add ins like foam beads, fishbowl beads, and jelly cubes.
Price: $12.99 / month or as low as $12.50 / month
Shipping: $9.55
Ships to: US and Worldwide
When it ships: 5th of every month