We’ve spent hundreds of hours opening boxes, taking pictures, and writing reviews of some of best subscription boxes out there!

Our subscription box reviews are original, can’t find anywhere else, honest-to-goodness content (did you notice the same distressed gray table background throughout all of our reviews?).

Latest Best Subscription Boxes

best kawaii subscription boxes

14 Best Kawaii Subscription Boxes

Kawaii subscription boxes are great for anyone who loves adorable, cute items that are often found in Japanese culture. Many of these monthly boxes include stationery, stuffed animals, household items, jewelry, stickers, and more! Adults and kids may adore Hello Kitty themed items, but there is so much more to the Kawaii style! Kawaii encompasses pure cuteness, and Kawaii subscription boxes introduces you, your friend, or your favorite child enjoy sweet, delightful characters and products that you won’t find anywhere else! Check out our round-up of the best Kawaii subscription boxes.

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